The day has finally come and gone, my first day as a uni student and it was not without its moments. Beginning the day with my mother threatening to follow me around all day weeping, a joke I hoped at the time, as she lovingly drove me to my first day appropriately getting lost for me in the tangle of streets surrounding the uni. My anxiety steadily growing as we arrived at our destination 10mins late and she insisted on driving up as close as possible to the main walkway and stopping awkwardly close on a road I maintain was restricted access. I promptly made my way to my first lesson as it began to sprinkle, ominous clouds closing in which in most instances I would quite enjoy but in this instance they only added to my overwhelming sense of impending doom as I rushed to the farthest building on campus, getting suitably lost as there was a distinct lack of signs and I forgot my map, eventually discovering it hiding behind a group of trees. To my delight on arrival, then 25 minutes late, I discovered a darkened abandoned class room; practicals start second week stupid.
So with a two hour wait ahead before my next lecture I mosied on down to the campus hub to hide in a corner and read my book, avoiding eye contact with the sprukers of the various uni clubs and societies along the way lest I be coerced into joining some cult. The time passed pleasantly enough and the following two hours of lectures were some what informative, as is the am of the whole endeavor.
I left the campus in reasonably spirits and it was not until I reach the train station that I discovered my favorite badge, "Postmodernist Panda" featuring a faceless cartoon bear, was missing from where I had pinned it on my bag. A quick search of the vicinity proved futile and I trudged home cursing my naivety at trusting my bag to hold on to it for my.
Despite this graver lost my moon was lifted as this afternoon my friend introduced me to another amusing show (I know, more TV, sorry) My Life As Liz and and curious movie "Bronson". So until I have anything else to say i bit you adue.